Rachel Livsey

SAPHNA committee member
Rachel Livsey MA SCPHN RN (child) Queens Nurse
I graduated from the joint faculty of St George’s hospital medical school and Kingston University in 2000 as a children’s nurse and started my career working at Great Ormond St Hospital specialising in Cardiology, PICU and radiology.
I spent almost 3 years working on the surgical, trauma and orthopaedic unit at the children’s hospital at Westmead in Sydney.
I graduated the University of Greenwich in 2015 with a further degree in specialist community public health school nursing and my dissertation focused on the young person’s experience of their sexual health education. I worked for Oxleas NHS trust as a specialist school nurse before being promoted to professional development lead and school nurse team leader.
I joined CLCH in October 2020 as the high impact area lead for the youth justice service and pupil referral units and have an interest in contextual safeguarding and youth participation. In 2021 I graduated with an MA in childhood and youth where my dissertation focused on designing research where school nurses work collaboratively with creative arts teachers to build a scheme of work to improve the mental wellbeing of young people – I am currently PhD pondering!
In 2022 I was made a Queens Nurse and was also named as the trust’s clinician of the year. In 2023 I wrote a health needs assessment that has been embedded in my trusts safeguarding policy – my journey on developing this was published in the British Journal of Child Health in November 2023.