Sallyann Sutton

SAPHNA Interim Professional Officer
Sallyann Sutton, RN, BSc, MSc and QN
I have worked in school nursing for almost 32 years, qualifying as a SCPHN in 2003. I have worked in leadership roles for the past 20 years leading teams, specialist areas and services. I have been part of the SAPHNA committee for several years and was appointed to the role of Professional Officer in February 2023. I am proud to hold the title of Queen’s Nurse.
My specialist area and passion is children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. I hold a MSC in Child and Family Mental Health in 2009 and a PGD in Public Mental Health and worked in a Primary Mental Health team developing pathway across School Nursing Services and CAMHS. I was the Regional project lead for the Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS) working for NHS West Midlands and part of a local TaMHS implementation team. I was a member of the expert panel for the development of the handbook for Mental Health Support Teams in School and I was a topic expert for NICE contributing to the development of Public Health guidance Including ‘alcohol education in schools’ and more recently social and emotional wellbeing in schools. In my NHS Leadership role, I was a member of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Strategy and Transformation Group and chair of the Early Help Steering group.
I have a keen interest in leadership, people development and service development. I hold the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson NHS Senior Healthcare Leadership Award. I am MSc in Healthcare Leadership, an ILM Coach and a qualified NLP practitioner. I undertook the PHE National School Nurse leader’s development programme. I have led a School Nursing Service through an extensive service and workforce redevelopment and re-tender process. In the latter stage of my NHS career, I was professional leader for the Health Child Programme 0-19.
Outside of work I am keen cyclist and volunteer as a British Cycling ride leader and cycle coach, and I enjoy skiing.
You can follow me on Twitter @sallyann8 or view my LinkedIn profile at