Maggie Clarke

SAPHNA Senior Leadership Team member and SAPHNA Committee Member.
I am a member of the senior management team supporting operational delivery of the services. My remit includes responsibility for the delivery of the School Nursing service in Warwickshire and two services in North Yorkshire; Compass BUZZ, which adopts a whole school approach to enable staff to support the mental health and well-being of their students, and Compass REACH, delivering support to young people aged between 9-19 affected by substance misuse, poor sexual health and issues relating to emotional health and well-being.
I have worked at national and regional levels including a secondment to Public Health England as a school nurse advisor.
I am committed to working collaboratively with young people to enable and empower them to meet their health and wellbeing needs and have a special interest in transformational and digital services for young people including text messaging and web based health provision.
Since 2019 I have been proud to be appointed as the Executive Lead Officer for SAPHNA (School and Public Health Nurses Association) working with Sharon White the CEO and the executive committee to represent SAPHNA and school nursing locally and nationally raising the profile of school nursing and presenting clear service models to commissioners.