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SAPHNA welcomes you to join as a member if you are a School Nurse, working with School Nurses or passionate about our work and values.

SAPHNA, a charity, is an internationally recognised professional organisation that will provide you with a whole range of professional benefits; joining us will also demonstrate your commitment to the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families.

We currently have a reach of over 5,000 comprising School Nursing and the Public Health Nursing workforce, parents, governors, Commissioners, Providers, Teachers, Social Workers, Third sector partners, Children’s charities and more.

School and Public Health Nurses play a critical role in ensuring that children and young people thrive and enjoy a healthy and happy childhood and, in turn, adulthood. SAPHNA commits to supporting you to deliver on this!


SAPHNA place huge value on the children and young people’s workforce and, as such, want you to enjoy maximum benefits from your membership. Below are some of the benefits you will enjoy.

Maximising your professionalism

  • Increased visibility of the profession through our joint work
  • Opportunity to grow your own experience and portfolio through participation in our developments
  • Special interest groups
  • A forum through which to have your voice heard


  • Quarterly electronic newsletter with latest news, evidence, research and other relevant reports
  • Members-only access to practice forums to enable healthy discussions and debates!
  • Opportunity to influence policy and practice via consultations/representations 

Members’ area

  • Access to the latest tools, guidance, and evidence-based materials to ensure that you can make a real difference to children, young people and families
  • Instant access to evidence-based topics from eczema to child protection
  • Instant access to the members only SAPHNA resources


  • Free online training re supporting pupils in schools with medical conditions
  • Lower-cost CPD, training including regional and national events
  • Free/Lower-cost entry to conferences on key relevant topics
  • Lower-cost subscription to the Journal of Children’s Health (previously the British Journal of School Nursing)
  • Lower-cost resources negotiated by us with key partners and suppliers
  • Discounted digital training via our partner Compass Positive Effect 
  • Three months free subscription to Creative Education


Our support to SCPHN Students includes: 

  • Half price membership fees for the period you are studying including all membership benefits 

On top of these membership benefits we also offer: 

  • National expert advice 
  • Guidance, resources and support regarding your Research
  • Facilitation/suggestions re alternative practice 
  • A range of opportunities to shadow, from operational through to strategic, including Governmental, to help fulfil your learning outcomes.
  • Support/links to publication 

Special interest groups

  • Opportunity to work with SAPHNA on project work streams
  • Chance to represent School and Public Health Nursing at key stakeholder groups/events
  • Special educational needs and disabilities 
  • Nurses working in independent schools 
  • Nurses based in state/maintained schools 
  • Accident and Emergency best practice
  • More SIGs in continuous development according to membership identified need 


  • Support from SAPHNA academic advisors re research 
  • Research best practice forum 
  • Research involvement opportunities 
  • Links to wider research national and international agenda 
  • Research repository access 

Membership types

Full member
£84.00 annually (inc. VAT)
You must:
• have an NMC Pin or relevant nursing registration
• a career commitment to the improvement of School and Public Health Nursing
• ideally educated to Bachelor Degree or equivalent from an academic institution or a recognised professional body
• work in a state or independent educational setting providing nursing, to children and young people (this includes those nurses providing emotional health and wellbeing services)
Retired member
£42.00 annually (inc. VAT)
You must:
• have an NMC Pin (this may be lapsed) or relevant nursing registration
• have a commitment to the improvement of School and Public Health Nursing
• be a retired School Nurse, aligned Public Health Nurse, or one who isn’t currently working
Friend member
£84.00 annually (inc. VAT)
A Friend is someone who isn’t a School and Public Health Nurse but who is interested/aligned to the work of School nursing, works with School and Public Health Nurses, works in public health or/and health promotion, aligned Health care professionals (HCP) or who would just like to support the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA), a charity, to ensure that every child achieves optimum health and well-being, thus, achieves their life potential.
Our vast suite of resources for members provides excellent evidence-based information for all professionals who work with children 0-19 (25) years and families.
Non-registrant member
£84.00 annually (inc. VAT)
We welcome members from colleagues who are non-registered e.g., education staff
Group discounts can be considered. Please contact
Support staff team member
£42.00 annually (inc. VAT)
You must:
• have a career commitment to the improvement of School and Public Health Nursing
• work as part of a team delivering school health services
Full member
£7.00 monthly (inc. VAT)
You must:
• have an NMC Pin or relevant nursing registration
• a career commitment to the improvement of School and Public Health Nursing
• ideally educated to Bachelor Degree or equivalent from an academic institution or a recognised professional body
• work in a state or independent educational setting providing nursing, to children and young people (this includes those nurses providing emotional health and wellbeing services)
Student member
£3.50 monthly (inc. VAT)
You must:
• have an NMC Pin or relevant nursing registration
• have a valid student ID card
• currently be undertaking a full time undergraduate or postgraduate qualification in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing or a related discipline, or currently be studying in nursing with a vision to join the children and young people’s nursing workforce
Retired member
£3.50 monthly (inc. VAT)
You must:
• have an NMC Pin (this may be lapsed) or relevant nursing registration
• have a commitment to the improvement of School and Public Health Nursing
• be a retired School Nurse, aligned Public Health Nurse, or one who isn’t currently working
Friend member
£7.00 monthly (inc. VAT)
A Friend is someone who isn’t a School and Public Health Nurse but who is interested/aligned to the work of School nursing, works with School and Public Health Nurses, works in public health or/and health promotion or who would just like to support the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA), a charity, to ensure that every child achieves optimum health and well-being, thus, achieves their life potential.
Our vast suite of resources for members provides excellent evidence-based information for all professionals who work with children 0-19 (25) years and families.
Non-registrant member
£7.00 monthly (inc. VAT)
We welcome members from colleagues who are non-registered e.g., education staff
Group discounts can be considered. Please contact
Support staff team member
£3.50 monthly (inc. VAT)
You must:
• have a career commitment to the improvement of School and Public Health Nursing
• work as part of a team delivering school health services

Corporate membership

Corporate membership, either as an NHS Trust, Employer, Higher Education Institution (HEI) or industry partner, will enable you to demonstrate your commitment to your School and Public Health Nursing workforce, giving them the support and access to all the resources that are available through membership to SAPHNA.

For further details of the corporate scheme please contact us.

NHS and Employer organisations

SAPHNA has a legacy portfolio of direct work with NHS and other Employer Organisations. To compliment this, we will now also offer Corporate membership. You can join all of your School and Public Health Nursing workforce, including students. This will ensure that your workforce will have access to the most up-to-date information and developments relevant to their work, thus, enhance the delivery of high quality, research based practice.

For further details, please contact us.

Higher Education Institutes (HEIs)

We are delighted to offer HEI membership to those involved in the development and delivery of education to/relevant to School and Public Health Nurses. This will enjoy the national benefits of working alongside SAPHNA and locally will provide access to up-to-date contemporaneous resources, training and learning to further underpin your teaching and training. Costs are based on numbers of intake/students who, whilst studying, enjoy a 50% discount in fees (£42/annum), plus any aligned academic colleagues.

For further details, please contact us.

0-19 service -wide membership.

As many services increasingly become 0-19 providers, we are now receiving requests for whole service membership. We are able and have accepted a number on this basis. We do not purport, however, to provide the specialist expertise for our Health Visiting colleagues, rather we provide a broad offer around public health nursing which is often applicable across the whole age-range.

For further details, please contact us.

Join thousands of public health nurses like you from across the globe.

Become a member of SAPHNA