Elaine Allan

SAPHNA expert Advisory Board member
Dr Elaine Allan was a lecturer in Nursing MSc Advancing Practice Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Her academic and professional qualifications include PhD, PG Certificate Research Methods, BA Community Nursing, Health Visiting Diploma, School Nursing Diploma, State Certified Midwife, and Registered General Nursing. She is a committee member of the School Nurse and Public Health Nurse Association (SAPHNA) UK, a fellow of the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (QNIS) ,a Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), member the National Association of School Nurse Academics (NASNA). Her varied career as a lead nurse, manager, public health coordinator, and development officer in a social inclusion partnership for early years, ignited her passion to promote children’s rights and is a proud UNFEARTIE (Children’s Rights Champion-Children’s Parliament Scotland). https://www.childrensparliament.org.uk/unfearties/. Elaine educates advanced nurse practitioners, peers, colleagues and wider society to become child rights advocates ensuring the child’s voice is heard. She enjoys contributing to research, and evidence based practice and has published widely including a book chapter as lead author.