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Would you like to share your views on managing adolescents` mental health?

Integrated Clinical Academic Programme Internship Scheme

Sheffield Hallam University are proud to co-ordinate the Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic Programme Internship Scheme across the North East and Yorkshire region of NHS England.


Designing Mental Health Interventions for Children & Young People

We are conducting research to explore preferred mental health support for CYP rto help design suitable interventions. Please take part in our 15 minute survey


Nurses professional use of social media study

project funded by the NIHR examining the professional use of social media by nurses



The NIHR supports health and social care research in local
authorities and within the voluntary and charitable sector

This programme is open to non-medical, clinical or social care staff who work in the Yorkshire and Humber region of Health Education England
(Including AHPs, Nurses, Healthcare Scientist and Pharmacists)


Previously, researchers from the University of Bristol and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine worked with young people and key stakeholders to develop resources for a lesson about the HPV vaccine. The resources include a PowerPoint presentation and a training document for the educator delivering the lesson.

You can view short video clips of the films we created for the PowerPoint here.

Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative


Join our major research study to better understand the genetic and environmental links to eating disorders and help develop better treatments.

view info here

Nursing research and evidence underpinning practice, policy and system transformation


Research recruitment

This project wants to speak to bereaved children
and parents to ask how you supported each other and what helped you.


Colleagues at Manchester Metropolitan University and Liverpool John Moores University are jointly undertaking research into the impact of Covid-19 and domestic abuse

Researchers at LJMU and MMU are conducting a survey exploring the impact of Covid-19 on domestic abuse safeguarding policy and practice. The study explores the effect of Covid-19 on the identification of DA survivors and their children and on the support, protection and safeguarding they have received during lockdown. It will also identify good practice and recommendations that can inform future policy and practice in this area. We are interested in your experiences of safeguarding at a strategic level during lockdown and as it unfolds.

See more information and link to complete the survey here

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