Conference Programme
School and Public Health Nursing; Making the impossible possible for our children and young people’s health!
Opening and Welcome – Maggie Clarke, Executive Lead Officer, SAPHNA | |
Keynote Address – Public health nurses: responding, restoring and delivering impactful, evidence-based services for children young people and families Wendy Nicholson MBE, Deputy Chief Nurse Children, young people & families & deputy head of WHO collaborating centre at Public Health England | |
What have we learned from safeguarding in Covid? So what and what next? Kenny Gibson, Head of Safeguarding, NHS England | |
Making the grade: Evidence about mental health in schools’ Andy Bell – CEO, Centre for Mental health | |
Guided relaxation session – OM Health and Wellbeing Consultancy Ltd. | |
Immunisations for children and young people: changes, challenges, and opportunities to improve uptake – David Green – Nurse Consultant for Immunisations, Public Health England | |
Workshops Change Your Mind – Peer education mental health programme School Screener ChatHealth MAAPP The key role of School nurses in supporting young people with eating disorders – sharing and learning from my shared lived experience Compass Showcase of exemplary COVID 19 School Nursing service redesign and offer a selection of x4 case studies | |
Exhibitions Harlow Printing The Lancaster Model School Screener Change Your mind Compass | |
Q&A opportunities with our presenters, workshop facilitators and exhibitors |