The Safeguarding Role of Public Health 0-19 Services. Joint Policy Position
SAPHNA in collaboration with the Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) and the Institute of Health Visitors (iHV) have published a joint policy position on the ‘The Safeguarding Role of Public Health 0-19 Services’.
The statement comes following a significant rise in the number of babies, children and young people needing support for safeguarding issues who fall below the threshold for children’s social care services. To bridge this gap, health visitors and school nurses are increasingly called upon to support children and young people on Child Protection and Child in Need Plans. At the same time, child health is deteriorating, and health inequalities are widening across the nation – with an equally important call for health visitors and school nurses to utilise their specialist public health nursing skills to support the national shift from “sickness to prevention”. Meanwhile, services need to find a way to reconcile these two competing priorities.
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