Published Research

What influences young people’s food choices?
In this study, researchers interviewed 45 young people (aged 11 – 18 years) about how their environment and social life influence their food choices.

Developing student-researchers in primary schools through inclusive inquiry

Bullying or banter? It’s time to speak-up and ‘make a noise’ if someone crosses the line

School distress and the school attendance crisis: a story dominated by neurodivergence and unmet need

Impact of Long Covid on the school experiences of children and young people: a qualitative study

Key messages from research on the impacts of child sexual abuse

Manual for implementation or modification of child vision and hearing screening programmes

Key messages from research on child sexual abuse in institutional contexts

Covid-19 was a huge challenge to school nursing. The pandemic, and associated restrictions, accelerated innovative practice and demanded new ways of working.
This study established the impact of pandemic restrictions on school nursing practice. It explored the benefits and challenges to school nurses’ work in supporting vulnerable children, and their work with professional partners. The study considered new ways of working which could be beneficial post-pandemic.

The human rights of children with disabilities: How can medical professionals better fulfil rather than breach them?

Disabled children’s partnership: Failed and forgotten
Disabled children and their families are currently facing the most challenging times yet. Post-covid recovery has left disabled children facing “record breaking” delays and backlogs to health and social
care services. Our new research has revealed the worrying state of affairs for disabled children and their families in England. More than 2000 families were surveyed for our research, and their responses were eye-opening

Mental health teams in schools are improving access to support, but not all children are benefitting An NHS-funded programme delivering mental health services in schools and FE colleges has made significant early progress in its first 3 years, a study shows.

Investigating the Role of Friendship Interventions on the Mental Health Outcomes of Adolescents: A Scoping Review of Range and a Systematic Review of Effectiveness

School nursing: New ways of working with children and young people during the Covid-19 pandemic: A scoping review VIEW PUBLICATION HERE

COVID-19 deaths in children and young people in England, March 2020 to December 2021: An active prospective national surveillance study
The Paradox of Wealthy Nations’ Low Adolescent Life Satisfaction
Using PISA 2018 data from nearly half a million 15-year-olds across 72 middle- and high-income countries, this study investigates the relationship between economic development and adolescent subjective well-being.

Resetting services to disabled children
There will be a national survey of parent-carers, young people and professionals to find out their views on the draft recommendations and agree key-guidance for policy makers.

Adolescents’ perspectives on soft drinks after the introduction of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy: A focus group study using reflexive thematic analysis

Key messages from research on child sexual abuse

“Selfie” harm: Effects on mood and body image in young women
The distribution of harmful product marketing in public outdoor spaces and the effectiveness of marketing bans

Readability of Commonly Used Quality of Life Outcome Measures for Youth Self-Report

From a child who IS a problem to a child who HAS a problem: fixed period school exclusions and mental health outcomes from routine outcome monitoring among children and young people attending school counselling
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The Impact of the Universal Infant Free School Meal Policy on Dietary Quality in English and Scottish Primary School Children: Evaluation of a Natural Experiment

The experiences of young people and their families living with excess weight
Young people and their families living with excess weight experience huge stigma and judgement. As the NHS delivers new clinics for excess weight we are delighted to share the results of work with young people and parents that highlights the need for good communication, consistency, follow up and holistic approaches.

Why don’t children and young people engage with diabetes services?

Improving asthma management in schools
Barts Charity funded study finds that in-school workshops could help children with asthma.
Asthma in the UK

The scale and nature of CSA
To tackle child sexual abuse, we need to properly understand its causes, scope, scale, and impact. There has been increasing awareness of child sexual abuse and its impact on victims and survivors in recent years. Despite this, there are still many gaps in our knowledge and understanding which limit how we can best protect and support children.

Observational analysis of disparities in obesity in children in the UK: Has Leeds bucked the trend?

The unintended consequences of school closures during COVID-19 on children and young people’s physical health rights -what are they and how can they be mitigated?
What is the role of a school nurse?
Understanding how school nurses can add value to local councils’ Healthy Child Programme
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Complete routine immunisation schedule
Immunisation information for health professionals and immunisation practitioners.
view schedule hereChanges in household food and drink purchases following restrictions on the advertisement of high fat, salt, and sugar products across the Transport for London network: A controlled interrupted time series analysis
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Developing a More Tailored Approach to Patient and Public Involvement with Children and Families in Paediatric Clinical Research: Lessons Learned
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Safeguarding children and young people from child sexual exploitation in line with England’s School Nurse Programme: supporting the implementation of the new service offer (World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Public Health Nursing and Midwifery Case Study)
Author: Michael Fanner – Lecturer in Nursing & Paramedic Sciences – University of
West London

“We are pleased to share with you the first ever WHO report on its work on adolescent health”
Working for a brighter, healthier future
How WHO improves health and promotes well-being for the world’s adolescents
17 January 2022 | Report
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Universal Health Visiting Pathway evaluation – phase 1: main report – primary research with health visitors and parents and case note review

Reflective, relational leadership and management
In health, those in safeguarding lead roles find themselves with legislation, statutory guidance and the weight of national scandals highlighting how important leadership is in their role.

A Rapid Review and Narrative Synthesis of the Consequences of Non-Inclusive Sex Education in UK Schools on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Young People

Relationships between Child Development at School Entry and Adolescent Health – A Participatory Systematic Review
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A Rapid Review and Narrative Synthesis of the Consequences of Non-Inclusive Sex Education in UK Schools on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Young People
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A good investment: longer-term cost savings of sensitive parenting in childhood
“People don’t talk about it”: Child sexual abuse in ethnic minority communities | IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
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Impact of Web-Based Sharing and Viewing of Self-Harm–Related Videos and Photographs on Young People

Child First evidence-base report | Loughborough University
Young adults face higher risk of severe disease from infections than school-age children