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Conference Programme


School and Public Health Nursing; Making the impossible possible for our children and young people’s health!

Opening and Welcome – Maggie Clarke, Executive Lead Officer, SAPHNA
Keynote AddressPublic health nurses: responding, restoring and delivering impactful, evidence-based services for children young people and families Wendy Nicholson MBE, Deputy Chief Nurse Children, young people & families & deputy head of WHO collaborating centre at Public Health England
What have we learned from safeguarding in Covid? So
what and what next?
Kenny Gibson, Head of Safeguarding, NHS England
Making the grade: Evidence about mental health in schools’ Andy Bell – CEO, Centre for Mental health
Guided relaxation session – OM Health and Wellbeing Consultancy Ltd.
Immunisations for children and young people: changes, challenges, and opportunities to improve uptake – David Green – Nurse Consultant for Immunisations, Public Health England
Change Your Mind – Peer education mental health programme
School Screener
The key role of School nurses in supporting young people with eating disorders – sharing and learning from my shared lived experience
Showcase of exemplary COVID 19 School Nursing service redesign and offer a selection of x4 case studies
Harlow Printing
The Lancaster Model
School Screener
Change Your mind
Q&A opportunities with our presenters, workshop facilitators and exhibitors

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