Challenges in child health: A hidden backlog of unmet need
Challenges in child health: A hidden backlog of unmet need VIEW ARTICLE
The global return on investment from preventing and treating adolescent mental disorders and suicide: a modelling study
Introduction Despite the high burden of mental disorders among adolescents and the potentially lifelong consequences of these conditions, access to mental health services remains insufficient for adolescents in low-income and middle-income…
Recognition of Family Life by Children Living in Kinship Care Arrangements in England
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Child modern slavery, trafficking and health
Child modern slavery, trafficking and health: a practical review of factors contributing to children’s vulnerability and the potential impacts of severe exploitation on health VIEW ARTICLE
‘These are the hands’
The future of the school
nursing workforce
Despite difficult times, it is important to keep perspective and great research and practice shows that the future of school nursing is in good hands. Sharon White explains VIEW ARTICLE