Free webinars Tech solutions in school nursing; The New, New Normal for School and Public Health Nursing
As COVID-19 continues, our thoughts and appreciation are directed to our school and public health nursing teams. Whichever way the crisis has impacted upon you and your colleagues, whatever the ‘new normal’ is for you, we’re here in support. We’ve a webinar and also a discussion forum available to join right now. Forthe Now Right now, and for some months to come, it’s tough to organise a team when staff are dispersed and availability is so fluid. Thomson Screening can help. You need to be able to track and monitor the availability of your team. Who’s available? Who’s in isolation and for how long? Our WorkScreener COVID-19 Isolation Checker is an online tool, which quickly maps into your organisational structure, that delivers regular short questionnaires to your staff. Instantly, this gives you the management information you need to effectively organise your workforce. We’d like to show you more of this exciting new product, along with other exciting developments, outlined below. Book onto a webinar now, we’ve a wide choice of dates and times available. REGISTER NOW Towards a ‘New, New Normal’ Of course, nobody knows how this thing is going to pan out. but we do expect some changes when we resume our jobs, a ‘new, new normal’. What changes can we expect? There WILL be a vaccine available. School vaccination services WILL be expected to deliver it, at speed, to a large population. Maybe even larger than the ones you’re used to. You’ll need help. With such a long time away from the classroom, there are likely to be significantly more children with mental health issues when they do return to school. How can you spot the issues quickly and effectively? Who do you prioritise? We can help with this, too. Come along to our next webinar to find out how. Remote working and a greater use of technology in the workplace are here to stay. Choose your tech wisely, to support as many of the functions you fulfil as you can. Come along to a free webinar to learn how Thomson Screening can support you and your teams, for the now and into the future. There are several dates and times to choose from. REGISTER NOW An Open Discussion Under normal circumstances, we invite all our customers to a forum at the end of the summer term. Screeners, nurses and managers come together and much of the morning is spent in open discussion. There won’t be a physical meeting this year, but we’d like the discussions to continue, so invite you an open forum for Providers and Commissioners of 0-19 Health Child programmes. It’s a great opportunity to learn from and help colleagues from around the country. Share experiences. Find better ways of working. We’ve three dates to choose from and an open agenda: Thu 23 Apr 16:30 Wed 29 Apr 09:30 Wed 6 May 12:45 We look forward to welcoming you to the discussion.Stay Safe, Michael Ter-Berg CEO Thomson Screening |