SAPHNA is proud to have worked with an ever-expanding list of partners. On this page we give you opportunity to understand some of the resources and critical relationships that you, as practitioners, should seek to explore and examples of some of the work we are involved in to champion our profession but, more importantly, to benefit the health and well-being of children, young people and families.
Commissioner and Provider Partners
It is imperative that professionals engage in confident, research and evidenced-based conversations to inform strategy. It is you at the front-line who represent the families that we work with. You, and they, in co-production alongside managers, leaders, strategists and others, are key components in developing and negotiating fit-for-purpose commissioning and provision of services. Through evidencing poor/declining or positive outcomes, need and gaps in service provision, we have opportunity to influence, and, through healthy debate, challenge and change to best meet need. Multi-agency working is critical to our roles as leaders of the Healthy child programme and, therefore, a thorough understanding of our partnerships is a must. Only by doing this will we ever reach a place-and that may even necessitate agreeing to disagree-where we can optimise all talents, budgets and vision; key components of quality services.
SAPHNA work in close partnership with both the ADPH and LGA through regular meetings, communications and in joint developments, including political. Working together on shared agenda, whilst also bringing mutual critical challenge, facilitates joint solution-focused working, aiming for seamless approaches and optimum service provision in School and Public Health Nursing.
This enables us all to better understand the professional, strategic and political landscape and, through harnessing joint energies, influence drivers, policy and Governmental decision-makers to positively invest in improving the health and well being outcomes for children, young people and families.
Working partnerships
below is a (non-exhaustive) list of others with whom we work
- Department for Education
- Department of Health & Social Care
- The Scottish Executive
- The Welsh Assembly
- Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety (NI)
- Irish National Immunisation Office (ROI)
- Health Education England
- Public Health England
- Association of Directors of Children’s Services
- School Nurses International
- Boarding Schools Association
- Medical Officers of Schools Association
- The Queen’s Nursing Institute
- The Institute of Health Visiting
- Community and Practitioners Health Visitors Association
- Royal College of General Practitioners
- Royal College of Child and Public Health
- Royal College of Nursing
- Faculty of Public Health
- Association for Young People’s Health
- Barnardo’s
- Carers Trust
- National Children’s Bureau
- British Youth Council
- The Children’s Society
- Nursing & Midwifery Council
- Young Minds
- Anna Freud Centre
- Centre for Mental Health
- Men’s Health Forum
- The Who Cares? Trust
- MindEd
- The National Association of Head Teachers
Below are examples of the partnerships through which we represent the profession, children, young people and families:
- Public Health England; Healthy Child Programme Refresh Stakeholder
- Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme Stakeholder Council
- NMC Post Registration Standards Steering Group
- RCN UK Committee on Children and Young People’s Nursing
- NICE Social and emotional well being in primary and secondary education
- Health Education England Enhanced Practice Advisory Group
- Schools Mental Health Advisory Board
- Paediatric Continence Forum
- NHSi Digital child health programme
- Health Conditions in Schools Alliance
- HPV Action
- National Forum of School Health Educators
Corporate partners
We have worked with a range of corporate partners since our inception and are recognised as experts to industry. Whilst complying with our ethical policy, Nursing and Midwifery Council requirements and our Constitution, we enjoy many robust relationships.
We have worked to produce training, education, resources, publications, critical advice, support, promotion and awareness raising with and across the School and Public Health Nursing profession on a national and global level.

Anaphylaxis UK have been supporting people living with serious allergies as a charity for 30 years, offering evidence-based information for individuals and their families, for businesses and for schools and other places of education.

The UK’s leading gynae cancer charity. Our aim is to prevent gynae cancers from developing in the first place, but if they do develop, we want to make sure they’re detected early so more people survive their diagnosis.

Partner to a global community of schools, leaders, and teachers, providing innovative education software products, services, content, and resources, so they can focus on enhancing students’ lives through education.
International partners
Our expertise has been demanded and utilised by many countries across the world. Service reviews, re-design, audit, implementation and even developing services School Nursing services from scratch. Examples include Kuwait, Malta, Ireland, Singapore and more.