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Consultation and Policy Responses

Allergies in Schools Open Letter

Open letter backed by 40 organisations calls for urgent action to protect pupils with allergies in English schools – Benedict Blythe Foundation

Gender Consultation response

The School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA) have responded to the Department for Education’s consultation on the non-statutory guidance for schools and colleges on gender questioning children. We consulted with members and concerned colleagues who approached us looking for support and guidance. 

Response to the Labour Party Mental Health Review 11 March 24

SAPHNA are delighted to have been invited to contribute to the Labour Party Mental health Review. See our submission here

SAPHNA position statement on smoking/vaping in CYP

Tobacco and Vapes Bill

The School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA) urges members of parliament to support the Tobacco and Vapes Bill introduced to Parliament on Wednesday 20th March 24. If passed the Bill will be raising the age of sale of tobacco products by one year every year in England and Wales which would mean children turning 15 this year or younger will never legally buy a cigarette or any other kind of tobacco product across England and Wales. The Bill also proposes new powers to protect children including restrictions on advertising so that vape flavours which are specifically marketed at children are not promoted in a way that appeals to children and ‘on the spot’ fines to tackle sale of tobacco and vapes to that are underage.

The harmful effects of smoking are well known, and our children should be protected from the harm caused by tobacco and the unpleasant effects of addiction caused by nicotine. Evidence suggests that there is a significant rise in the number of children and young people who start to vape. Whilst vaping might play a role in helping adults to quit smoking, the long-term impact of vaping is unknown, and no child or young person should start to vape.

SAPHNA hopes to see this Bill administered in the UK.

For more information about the proposed Bill please visit Smokefree generation one step closer as bill introduced – GOV.UK (

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