Is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure?
24 January 2023A cross-sectional study of the impact of English public health grant on mortality and morbidity VIEW ARTICLE HERE
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood
24 January 2023twitter: @fhcappg / website: Online follow-up session – A new Department for Children & Young People The case for Cabinet Minister for Children and Young People View the meeting recording…
Health visiting and school nursing: Investing in a healthier future for our children
24 January 2023Joint blog post from the LGA, the School and Public Health Nurses Association and the Institute of Health Visiting on the importance of long-term investments in school nursing and health…
Socioeconomic and sex inequalities in parent-reported adolescent mental ill-health: time trends in four British birth cohorts
20 January 2023Featured ACAMH Papers Bringing you some selected Open Access journal papers from our portfolio; The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (JCPP), Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal (CAMH), and…