Sharon White writes for Nursing in Practice
23 February 2021Sadly child abuse cases have increased – but school nurses have risen to the challenge Sharon Whitechief executive of the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA)16 Feb 2021
Sadly child abuse cases have increased – but school nurses have risen to the challenge Sharon Whitechief executive of the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA)16 Feb 2021
School and Public Health Nursing; Making the impossible possible for our children and young peoples’ health This event is delivered via pre-recorded bite-sized self-directed virtual learning What you get: A full…
Update from PHE’s Deputy Chief Nurse Children, Young People & Families Position statement regarding daily contact testing in schools from PHE and NHS Test and Trace Read the statement
FAQs on the RCN web site to address many of the queries members have raised regarding the changes to the vaccine programme see under Vaccination and delivery
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