Major Conditions Strategy Interim Report
24 August 2023
The Major Conditions Strategy interim strategy has recently been released and can be found here:–2
Our understanding is that this is the first stage of the process and that the DHSC intend to publish a response to the call for evidence as well as a full strategy by the end of the year (or early next year).
We will continue to work with DHSC officials via our membership of the Health Policy Influencing Group and hold further conversation around how babies, children and young people will be considered in the strategy.
‘From a quick reading of the interim strategy our perspective is:
- It is positive that the strategy is maintaining a life course approach and a whole person approach
- It is also positive that the wider determinants of health are recognised, including poverty
- Children’s mental health needs as well as the particular needs of children living with a major condition (such as cancer) are mentioned, but we would like to see this expanded upon in the next stages of the strategy
- We would also like to see the particular needs of children considered when discussing person centred care
- There do not appear to be significant links made to the challenges facing the workforce
- The ongoing interaction between the MCS and ICSs remains a question mark’ (NCB HPIG)