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Independent School Nurse NHS email update

As you may be aware there has been a drive for Independent School Nurses to gain access to a NHS emails account. There has been collaborative working from NHS and NMC colleagues on this and the benefits have been highlighted as follows:

  • Optimises the ability to holistically promote positive health and wellbeing in children and young people, including enhancing the ability to protect and safeguard
  • Access to the global address book, giving you access to colleagues in other healthcare settings e.g. GPs and Emergency Departments
  • Access to the Microsoft 365 suite of tools which will increase your efficiency and productivity day to day, including access to Microsoft Teams, Viva Insights and wellbeing tools such as Breakthru
  • Opportunity to join other communities on the central tenant such as NHSmail Digital Heroes, and other communities relevant to your career

We have  received the following update. Please if you are interested in receiving a NHS email account follow the forms link below to register your interest:

‘As the NHS England team work to finalise the process for creating NHSmail accounts for Independent School Nurses, we invite users who have not already registered their interest to do so by filling in this form’:

Accounts will be created in time for the autumn term in September 2024.’

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