WHO How to plan and conduct telehealth consultations with children and adolescents and their families
30 December 2021The guidance is designed to be used by a wide range of health-care providers such as doctors, nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and community health workers who have been formally…
Talking to your child about online sexual harassment: A guide for parents
21 December 2021Talking to your child about online sexual harassment: A guide for parents
Recordings and links from Looked after Children and Care Leavers week: 6th – 10th December 2021
21 December 2021VOICE OF CHILD GUIDANCE FOR HEALTH (0-19 SERVICES) MAC tool – neglect
19 December 2021FutureNHS Collaboration Platform Transforming how health and social care work together Catherine McArevey has replied to a discussion: I have developed the MAC tool for neglect which will be used…
A tool to support providers in assessing adolescents’ capacity for autonomous decision-making in health-care settings
16 December 2021Assessing and supportingadolescents’ capacity forautonomous decision-makingin health-care settings A tool for health–care providers Web Annex. Algorithm forhealth-care providers