NICE scope publication
26 October 2022NICE guideline on Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management – medicines for type 2 diabetes (update) The final scope and equality impact…
NICE guideline on Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management – medicines for type 2 diabetes (update) The final scope and equality impact…
#SurfSocialSafely is a digital safety campaign created by Louisa Rose (CEO of Beyond). It’s about empowering users to make some small changes that will create a big impact. It’s about…
SAPHNA have now launched the first ever Eating Disorders Manifesto and Toolkit for School Nurses and are joining the campaign run by the Hearts Minds and Genes Coalition to #ChangeTheStory…
Timely treatment without discrimination because No one should be dying of an eating disorder in 2022: Eating Disorder manifesto launches to tackle the eating disorder epidemic ACCESS TOOLKIT On the…
Our school nursing colleague, Natalie, shares her own experience of parental alienation and the implications for school nursing practice
Self‑harm Quality standard [QS34] Published: 28 June 2013 Last Updated: 07 September 2022 VIEW HERE
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