SIG’s, links and resources from other professional bodies.
NSPCC The Underwear Rule for d/Deaf children
PANTS resources for schools and teachers
NSPCC Safeguarding children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
Helping disabled young people explore topics such as emotions, relationships and identity
Guidance on protecting d/Deaf and disabled children and young people from abuse
Eye care, dental care and hearing checks in special residential schools
Going to the optician – a guide for parents and families
Social Story for an Eye Test
We have created a booklet containing a ‘social story’ simply describing what happens at an eye test.
Children and Young People Presenting in a Paediatric Emergency Department in North-West England in Suicidal Crisis
An Exploratory Case Series Study
SEND Green paper does not avoid worrying problems in the system
The Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) has published an assessment of how the government in Northern Ireland is progressing with the recommendations made in its review of special educational needs published in 2020. The assessment finds that, while there has been some progress for children who have special educational needs including children’s access to educational psychology (EP) assessments and a planned review of the EP service, there is no evidence of progress in seven of the 40 recommendations made.
The Adam Bojelian Foundation CIC (ADS FOUNDATION)
Authority, Empathy & Humility: authoritative practice in child health & welfare
by Dr Peter Sidebotham – held on-line on 15th March, 2022
Kids in SEND classes need their glasses too!
With imminent publication of a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) green paper, our Head of Eye Care and Vision, Lisa Donaldson blogs on the importance of recognising disabled children’s vision needs.
Find out moreThe Ask, Listen, Act Study Summary
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Education, Health and Social Care Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities (SEND)
New guidelines to support disabled children to be more active
New guidelines to support disabled children and young people to be more active; Guidelines advise 20 minutes of exercise per day and strength and balance activity 3 times a week
view guidelines here