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AA-HA! 2.0 Public Consultation is now OPENED!

“Dear colleagues,  

We are happy to inform you that the online consultation on the second edition of the Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!) guidance is now opened.  The AA-HA! guidance was developed to support governments as they respond to the health and well-being challenges, opportunities and needs of adolescents (10 to 19 years). 

Why the second edition? 

Five years after the first edition of the guidance was published in 2017, we developed this second edition to:  

  1. Align with the new evidence including recent global and regional estimates and statistics  
  2. Build on significant political and scientific advances since 2017 
  3. Integrate lessons learned from the application of the first edition of the AA-HA! guidance.  
  4. Define and integrate the concept of well-being into programmes
  5. Integrate lessons learned from COVID-19 

How can you help? 

We would like to hear from you, your organisation, adolescents, young people and other stakeholders within your reach, on how the current draft can be improved to better respond to the health and well-being needs of adolescents.

Please submit your feedback by completing  by 28th March 2023 one of these two online surveys:  

If you require further information, please contact us at:

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