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PPI Digital Project – Online survey

Are you a child or young person aged 10 years to 25 years old?  Or do you know a child or young person who is 10-25 years old?

We are looking for children and young people to tell us about their experiences of using digital technology to find information about health and well-being. We will share this information with organisations who develop services for children and young people so they know what you want and use the information to inform future research about Digital Technology for Health and Wellbeing.

What do children or young people do next if they want to take part?

Complete this short survey which will take about 5 minutes 

If a child or young person needs some help to fill in the question then it is OK to ask an adult that you trust, such as a parent, a family member, teacher, School Nurse or youth worker.  

Alternatively, scan the QR code to get direct access to the questionnaire.

Scan the QR code or click ‘complete survey’ to get direct access to the questionnaire.

Complete survey

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